Traveling with your furry friend can definitely be an adventure, but thinking you can just toss it on the backseat isn’t the best approach. Unlike people, pets may face different issues when they travel by car, such as stress, sickness and nausea.
Unless you want your car covered in vomit or your pet going crazy around the car, here are some useful ideas to ensure everything’s under control.
Getting Used to the Vehicle
Introduce your pet to the vehicle first. You don’t need to go for a drive around. Just get your pet in there, shut the doors and let your furry friend explore the vehicle. Spend a bit of time there, maybe half an hour. Let them sniff seats, curl up on a blanket, or peer out windows.
If you don’t see any signs of stress, you can also turn the engine on for a bit. Some pets might be afraid of engine noise, so it’s important to introduce them to it while being together and bonding. It just makes animals feel more comfortable. Start with just a minute or two, praising your pup and offering their favorite toy or treat to distract them.
Drive Around with Your Pet
Once your pet is used to the environment, you can also go for a small ride around. Take a drive around, not longer than 10 minutes. At this point, it’s the motion your pet should be used to. It helps to have someone with you while you do it.
Whether it’s a cat, a dog or a different pet, you don’t want them jumping around the car or crawling by your feet when you drive, as it’s dangerous.
At the same time, if you prefer to have your pet in a cage, you can clear some of the risks. But then, it should be used to it as well. It depends on what pet you have and whether or not you travel alone or with someone else.
Get Some Toys in There

If your pet isn’t used to being in a vehicle, it’s essential to make this environment as friendly as possible. To ensure it doesn’t feel too new or problematic, you can always bring in a few toys. Think textured chew bones for dogs, crinkly mice for cats, or even puzzle feeders that reward exploration. Grab your furry friend’s favorite toys and have them in there. It makes the place more familiar.
On the same note, get a blanket your pet is used to as well. Tuck it around the seat or crate to create a nest-like zone.
If you travel with your cat, some catnip can certainly help keep it calm and focused on something else, rather than stressed about the motion.
Get Your Pet Travel Ready

You need to give your pet the same attention you give yourself before traveling. For example, if your pet is due a haircut or has long nails, pet grooming is ideal before you leave.
Don’t forget to brush out loose undercoats to minimize shedding in confined spaces, and consider a quick ear cleaning to prevent infection risks from shifting air pressure.
The fact that you travel with an animal is stressful enough for it. The last thing you want is to add even more stress by taking it to a different groomer, rather than the one it’s used to.
Things People Forget About

Based on what kind of pet you have, there are things you shouldn’t miss from the car.
For example, if you have a dog, it pays off going for a walk prior to the drive. This way, your pet will be tired and more likely to take a nap while you drive, rather than be stressed about it.
If you can, put a bowl of food somewhere on the floor or in the dog’s cage. Your pet may want a snack too.
You wouldn’t be able to do the same with a cat, as cats normally use a litter box as a toilet. If you’re lucky, your cat will pee or poop just before going out. But then, what are the odds?
Some cats may have the instinct to do it inside a car, but it’s not unusual at all. That’s the last thing you want, so make sure you have a small litter box somewhere on the floor, ideally at the back.
Each pet has necessities and you need to make sure they’re well looked after while driving.
Bottom line, you don’t have to be a genius to realize your pet requires some extra attention when driving. If there’s someone else in the car, they could look after your pet and comfort it. If it’s just you and your furry friend, these steps will ensure you have a great ride with no issues at all.
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